Author: Josh Huddy

  • The dichoto’me’

    i often wonder if i’m alone. not emotionally or physically or existentially. my wonderful wife and loving family and cherished friends always make me feel like lots of people are there for me. alone as in unique. I have a healthy amount of internal struggles. I’ve tried my best to design my life to have…

  • read, watch, listen

    read, watch, listen

    That word of advice from your uncle at a random family cookout; the inspiring instagram reel; the anecdote from your eccentric friend out west; the book you read as a junior in high school and then later revisited as an adult; we can all think of things that we’ve heard or read over our lives…

  • intention: the simple super power

    intention: the simple super power

    I’ve moved. a lot. jobs, houses, cities – you name it – i’ve moved from one to another more than once. an outside observer might say this behavior is flaky. maybe that outside observer is right. but the one thing that all of these moves have in common: purpose. while it may look random or…

  • a personal website – why?

    a personal website – why?

    Why start this creative project now? well – Why not? Actually – that’s a great place to start. Why not: that’s a pretty compelling list of why not. oddly enough, the reasons why are almost exact rebuttals to the above. I’ll break it down. people will think it’s weird. People think a lot of things.…

  • my timeline (A continuing work in progress)

    my timeline (A continuing work in progress)

    my life isn’t marked historically by a ton of self-reflection. I do a lot of thinking, but it’s not often directed inward. This morning I was thinking about how much my perspectives, points of views, opinions, values, and general mindsets have shifted and changed over the years. In an effort to get a picture of…

  • ways I procrastinate

    ways I procrastinate

    I have a lot of ideas. That’s one of the main reasons I started keeping track of things in a public way through this site. I read a lot, I listen to podcasts, i watch youtube videos. lordy – so many youtube videos. what do I read? (full disclosure – i’m mostly listening so if…

  • quotes, frameworks, and general things I want to remember

    quotes, frameworks, and general things I want to remember

    I keep a note of some of my favorite quotes. In the spirit of building and actually using this site, I think i’ll post that stuff here instead. Quotes Some of these are direct quotes. some of these are pretty close but might be paraphrasing. Because I don’t know the difference, i’m not putting any…

  • Weary: When you’re tired of d20 systems

    Weary: When you’re tired of d20 systems

    i love dnd. seriously love it. not 5e specifically – I use the term dnd to mean any ttrpg. I know, I know. you hate that. It’s okay. I talk about why I love dnd so much here but when it comes to Fifth edition dungeons of dragons specifically – there’s a bit of a…

  • why I love dnd

    why I love dnd

    it’s fun. at the end of the day, that’s what it boils down to. It’s truly that simple. I love dnd because I have fun while playing it. So what is it about playing dnd that’s so fun? Let’s break it down. Before I get into what makes dnd fun, let me quickly explain what…

  • Idea: dynamically update a list on my website by texting a number

    Idea: dynamically update a list on my website by texting a number

    In building this site, my Business ideas list is one of the first posts that I added. Instead of keeping track of this list on todoist, I’m curious if I can set up a really simple method of adding items to the bullet list by doing something like texting a number. I’m not a developer,…