Things I

TALK About


life stuff

  • The dichoto’me’
    i often wonder if i’m alone. not emotionally or physically or existentially. my wonderful wife and loving family and cherished friends always make me feel like lots of people are there for me. alone as in unique. I have a healthy amount of internal struggles. I’ve tried my best to design my life to have… Read more: The dichoto’me’


  • Business Idea dump
    I’ve made it a habit to keep a running list of random ideas that i’ve got for businesses. some of them are total garbage, some of them are decent, some of them I don’t even remember what I was saying. all of them are half-baked. I keep a gesture shortcut on my phone to allow… Read more: Business Idea dump

Random things

  • a personal website – why?
    Why start this creative project now? well – Why not? Actually – that’s a great place to start. Why not: that’s a pretty compelling list of why not. oddly enough, the reasons why are almost exact rebuttals to the above. I’ll break it down. people will think it’s weird. People think a lot of things.… Read more: a personal website – why?